Do I Need a Window Replacement?

Umeasureit window replacements

Can you see through your window? Does it get pretty steamy? Does it seem colder in your house even with the heat on? Then it might be time to call Steve and invest in new windows.

Here are 5 reasons you should replace your windows.


1. Broken Glass

We’ll start off with the easy answer. You know the saying, ‘If it ain’t broke don’t fix it? Well, in this case, it is and you should. Right away!

You might be lucky and need to replace the glass, and not necessarily the frame. But, if the glass inside a vinyl frame is cracked, replacing the whole window will be the more practical option.

2. Hard to Open and Close

If your window cannot open or close properly, it could be letting the air and bugs in. No one wants to hear their kid yell “Mommy, Daddy, help there’s a spider!” Because let’s be real – we don’t want to kill them either!

An easy DIY to try before fully replacing the window is to clean the window and apply a lubricant to the tracks. Once applied open and close the window a few times.

This may not last forever, but it will give you some time until you can call an expert to assess the situation and get a window replacement.

3. Damaged Seals

Once the seals between your panes of glass and your frames are damaged, you need to replace the window.

A telltale of if the window seal is damaged, the glass will likely fog up more often. This happens when the perimeter seal breaks and argon gas is released between the panes (or glass). Regular air gets in the cracks and creates fog.

This can also be the cause of the warm, humid air from inside meets the cold, dry window – especially in the wintertime. If it’s condensation between the window panes, you have a problem.

Check with a window specialist to find out if the glass panes can be replaced, or if you need a brand-new window. If you do see condensation between two panes of glass, that is a sure sign your window seals are failing. This means it is time to replace them before your windows start leaking.

4. Feeling a Draft

It’s easy to purchase a weather strip short-term to keep the heat in and the cold out. However, this doesn’t solve the everlasting issue.

A draft could be due to many reasons, some of which are outlined above, but it could also be that the frame is no longer level. The wall could be at an angle, the installer put the window in incorrectly, or it could be old.

If the glass itself is in good condition, you might be in luck. For most contractors, this is an easy fix. For those DIYers, visit this page for a step-by-step on fixing a drafty, unlevel window.

5. They Are Old

Let’s face it, it may be time for an upgrade anyways. Just like a roof should be redone after 20ish years, you need to put some love into those windows. Windows should be upgraded every 15 to 30 years depending on the glass and frame.

If you notice the window frame is showing signs of deterioration, it means that you need a window replacement. Now.

Call or contact us today to get a quote. Maybe you still have two years and you want to save up, or you’re ready to get them replaced now. Either way, Umeasureit has your back.

How Long Does the Window Installation Take?

Depending on how many windows you have, installing them should only take a day or two.

However, ordering and delivering the windows can take anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months. This depends on the season, the type of glass and frame you get, and the factory.

Here at Umeasureit, once your windows come in, we get you scheduled right away for the installation. We can work with you if you have an urgent case.

When Should I Replace The Windows?

If you are considering replacing windows in your home, you will want to be on the lookout for fogged-up glass, damaged frames, and drafty rooms.

If your windows glass, sash, or frames appear damaged, worn, or unusable in any way, it may be a sign you need new windows.

While you do not necessarily have to wait until your windows are severely draughty to consider replacing them, it is still important to get an idea of how long your investment will last before it needs replacing again.

Steve White

With 30+ years of construction history, Steve brings great knowledge to making a home Energy Efficient.

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